Plato's Digital Rings of Gyges: Working with Invisible Wounds in the Therapeutic Space attachment trauma body image body shaming online world plato psychodynamic social media therapy visibility


In Plato's "Republic," the story of the Ring of Gyges poses a fundamental question about moral behaviour and visibility. A shepherd discovers a ring that makes him invisible, leading him to...

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The Achievement Trap: When Success and Body Perfectionism Become Entangled alessandra lemma attachment body image bowlby freud high-achievers perfectionism relationships success therapy

In my private practice, I increasingly encounter individuals whose relentless pursuit of professional achievement has become inextricably linked with body perfectionism. This intricate interweaving...

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"The Substance": Female Body Horror Through a Kleinian Lens ageing body image klein psychodynamic



Demi Moore's fierce embodiment of Elisabeth Sparkle in "The Substance" marks a watershed moment in cinema's exploration of female ageing and body politics. Her courageous...

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Hemingway's Empty Catch: A Psychodynamic View of Body Image in the Digital Age attachment body image perfectionism psychodynamic relational shame social media winnicott


When considering our complex relationship with body image in the digital age, Hemingway's 'The Old Man and the Sea' offers an unexpected but illuminating parallel. While...

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Beauty, Environment and Object Relations: A Psychodynamic Exploration attachment trauma beauty body image bowlby fairbairn jung object relations psychodynamic


The classic debate on whether it is better to grow a cabbage or a rose invites us to explore how our relationship with beauty reflects something profound about human nature. This article...

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The Psychodynamics of Body Image: Understanding Defense Mechanisms in High Achievers attachment body image defenses

Our relationship with our body tells a complex psychological story, particularly for high-achieving professionals. In my clinical work in psychodynamic psychotherapy, I've observed how defense...

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The Hidden Connection: High Achievement, Body Image, and Relationship Patterns in Professional Women attachment body image relationships

Many high-achieving professional women excel in their careers while privately struggling with body image and intimate relationships. As a psychotherapist, I've observed how these seemingly...

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4 Ways Relational Trauma Affects Body Image attachment body image boundaries intimacy relational trauma relationships

1) Relational trauma often fuels body image issues.

Relational trauma can fuel body image issues due to its profound impact on self-worth and self-perception. When individuals experience neglect,...

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A New Mother's Body Image after having a Baby body image motherhood women's issues

1) How does our relationship with our body change after having a baby?

After months of sharing our bodies with a baby or babies growing inside us, suddenly, through birth, we are met with a new...

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